Monday, March 28, 2016

Sorting seeds

Sorting seeds 


                                            Healthy seed's

Fat and healthy seeds for sowing must be ensured. Because the good seed means the vigorous seedlings.

                                            Light seed's

Ten liters of clean water and mix with 375 g of urea fertilizer. The left hand and play with the 10 kg of seeds. Bred seeds sink to the bottom and thin, light seeds will float. Or sieve to remove the seeds with a floating hand. Heavy seed from the bottom up 3-4 times with clean water to wash. Urea fertilizer mixed with water can be used as a nursery.

 pic. source: wikipedia
article source: BRRI

Uphasi and modern rice

Uphasi and modern rice

paddyTaking more than the ability to plant rice and fertilizer in rice yield is higher uphasi him. Uphasi rice plants are two significant features, such as tree leaves firm and erect. Another feature of uphasi rice, rice is ripe, but green.

peddy On the other hand the weak local traditional varieties of trees, leaves leaned in, took power less fertilizer and dry tree with ripening rice. That's why the yield is less than reasonable.

Uphasi the special quality rice, such as disease tolerance, short lifetime, drought, salinity and submergence tolerant, etc. are integrated with the modern rice, he said. All uphasi rice is not so modern, but all modern uphasi quality of rice.

 source: wikipedia

Sunday, March 27, 2016



ProcessingRice is cooked by boiling or steaming, and absorbs water during cooking. With the absorption method, rice may be cooked in a volume of water similar to the volume of rice. With the rapid-boil method, rice may be cooked in a large quantity of water which is drained before serving. Rapid-boil preparation is not desirable with enriched rice, as much of the enrichment additives are lost when the water is discarded. Electric rice cookers, popular in Asia and Latin America, simplify the process of cooking rice. Rice (or any other grain) is sometimes quickly fried in oil or fat before boiling (for example saffron rice or risotto); this makes the cooked rice less sticky, and is a cooking style commonly called pilaf in Iran and Afghanistan or biryani (Dam-pukhtak) in India and Pakistan.

Source: Wikipedia


chalchalRice is typically rinsed before cooking to remove excess starch. Rice produced in the US is usually fortified with vitamins and minerals, and rinsing will result in a loss of nutrients. Rice may be rinsed repeatedly until the rinse water is clear to improve the texture and taste.

Rice may be soaked to decrease cooking time, conserve fuel, minimize exposure to high temperature, and reduce stickiness. For some varieties, soaking improves the texture of the cooked rice by increasing expansion of the grains. Rice may be soaked for 30 minutes up to several hours.

Brown rice may be soaked in warm water for 20 hours to stimulate germination. This process, called germinated brown rice (GBR),[17] activates enzymes and enhances amino acids including gamma-aminobutyric acid to improve the nutritional value of brown rice. This method is a result of research carried out for the United Nations International Year of Rice.

source: Wikipedia

Rice History

rice plant
Oryza sativa was domesticated from the wild grass Oryza rufipogon roughly 10,000–14,000 years ago. The two main subspecies of rice – indica (prevalent in tropical regions) and japonica (prevalent in the subtropical and temperate regions of East Asia) – are not believed to have been derived from independent domestication events. Another cultivated species, O. glaberrima, was domesticated much later in West Africa.

Recent genetic evidence show that all forms of Asian rice, both indica and japonica, come from a single domestication event that occurred 8,200–13,500 years ago in the Pearl River valley region of China.

In China, extensive archeological evidence points to the middle Yangtze and upper Huai rivers as the two earliest places of O. sativa cultivation in the country. Rice and farming implements dating back at least 8,000 years have been found. Cultivation spread down these rivers over the following 2,000 years.

Source: Ricepedia

Rice is our staple food crops

rice plant
Rice is our staple food crops. So deeply involved in the country's economy and culture. An increasing population are densely populated, while the homes, factories, markets, roads and highways, and set constantly decreasing amount of arable land due to erosion, etc. There tadapuri drought, floods, tides, salinity, cold flow, and natural disasters such as hail. The odds are that the amount of land given over to rice production to ensure food security of the country is our goal.